Meet Up
Meetups that will be carried out as mindfulness studies are performed 2 times each week. Meetups take place as mini-trainings, topic discussions, technical trainings, and hands-on activities on the subjects that students need to gain competence.
Major Meetup Topics
- How to start a startup
- Problem to Idea
- Co-Founder Meeting
- Startup War
- Ecosystem Meeting
- Design (Tasarım Fabrikası)
- Kodluyoruz
- Machine Learning
- Data Science
- Phyton
- Mobile App Development
- Website Development
- Kotlin
- Java
- Brand Design etc.
In order to provide students with the ability to commercialize and think technologically through concrete studies, the workshops will be organized once every two weeks to provide solutions to the existing problems of the global, Technopolis initiatives
Major Workshop Topics
- Global Business Launch Case Studies
- Case Studies Of Gaining Power In Local Market
- Technology Improvement Case Studies
- Team Management and Team Building Case Studies
Cycle Trainings
Although awareness and promotion issues attract students to the field, the first step is often when they start learning something for their own projects and try to apply it to their projects. Although many types of training have been tried on students through trial and error for a year, it has been found that Startup Discovery canvas, Business Model Canvas, and Design thinking are the most useful training for their projects so that they can look at the overall framework. For this reason, three of these trainings are given in two weeks, one of which is applied every week. At the end of each week, students who want to apply what they have learned to their business ideas by teaming up will participate in bootcamps.
Bootcamps are planned to be done 1 time every month, where they will implement their business ideas and also find their teammates. During these 48 hours, which will be spent with mentors and instructors, students will begin the program at 18: 00 on Friday and the program will continue until 18: 00 on Sunday.
When performing Bootcamp, teams will be given level mentoring alongside level training to implement their business ideas. These mentorships will be awarded at the level of early-stage ventures.
1. Business Development Mentoring
In this mentoring, teams are supported on “how to make business plans and what methods to focus on."
2. Marketing Mentoring
In this mentoring, teams are supported in how they should market their business ideas and products to their customers ‘ wishes and needs.
3. Sales Mentoring
In this mentoring, the teams are supported by explaining how to sell their products until they are finished and what to pay attention to in customer analysis.
4. Technical – User Mentoring
In this mentorship, the teams are supported by providing information and knowledge about the suitability of the business idea to the technical infrastructure and how it can be implemented.
2020-2021 Calendar
Cycle Eğitim Katılım Formu
Z-Garage eğitim sürecine dahil olmanız ve aşamalarınız takip edilerek size doğru yönlendirmeler yapılması için bu formu 1 kez doldurmanız yeterlidir. Eğitimler Z-Garage yerleşkesinde verilecektir. Eğitim dili Türkçe’dir.