
Z-Garage is the first stop of entrepreneurial spirited ODTU students, founded in 2018. At Z-Garage, students can enroll to entrepreneurship courses where they will learn the core concepts as well as what they need to follow up with in order to sustain a life-long career as an entrepreneur. Thanks to essential events such as meetups, ecosystem meetings, fireside chats etc., they will stay up-to-date, learn the essentials and increase their business networks.


Our Mission

Teaching core and advanced concepts of entrepreneurship, hosting essential events and creating a bridge between METU and METU Technopolis.

Our Vision

Boosting the entrepreneurship ecosystem in METU and turning entrepreneurship into a career choice amongst METU students.

Our Team



Aytunç Uysal
Coordination Of Trainings
Yaren Sıvacı
Promotion in the University
Kağan Taşkın
Online Promotion
Şiar Ozan Güneş
Mentoring Organization